Sunday, December 19, 2010

Lb 8, Teaching with Contrived Experience

What do we really mean by contrived Experience? in my understanding, it is an experience which is real or it has something to do with reality. So when we say that teaching with contrived experience, therefore we may include our own experiences in the class but it must be real, it means it really happened.Learners can easily learn the lesson if the teacher would base it in her own experience but just make sure that your not making up stories, the real the experience that is being shared the better the learning would be. If i am going to refer it to the materials of teaching, once the teacher uses a materials that is not appropriate to the interest and needs of the students therefore, it would never be effective. Once a teacher never study his lesson nor doesn't have any background study of his subject matter then the teaching process would be failure. It is also the same as, if you don't love teaching, you would never appreciate it nor become an effective teacher that is what we called "REALITY".

Lb 7, Direct Purposeful Experiences

why is that experience is very important? they say that experience is the best teacher, yes i do agree with that statement because it is really true. Experiences either bad or good make the person become strong and effective in the present and even in the future. Through experience, a person can get a lesson from it. There are things which happened in the past and really affects the person's life. with that experienced, a person can now change his life towards the future. Experience also makes the person become wiser in daily life in a certain situation. In school, teachers usually share their experiences in life. For what purpose do they do that? for the sake of the students to learn easily especially if they relate of what the teacher had experienced.

If the person happened to be dependent on someone to do a particular thing for him,and when the time has come that someone is not around and your ought to do that thing, the person would have a difficult time because he became dependent to a certain person and that is also part of experience, why? because he experience to be dependent on someone who would not be there all the time and there's a lesson in it. It's better to achieve things in your own determination and not with others. Experience is about learning,trying and applying. Learning in the sense that you get a lesson from it, trying to change it and applying good things for you to be able to become successful.

Lb 6, Using and Evaluating Instructional Materials

P-repare yourself
P-repare your student
P-resent the material
F-follow up

The following are the most important things in teaching, without any of that, it would really hard for a teacher to meet the needs of the learners. The teacher must know what is her objectives so that she would be able to come up a good discussion and a good interaction in the class. The teacher should also know the materials that is appropriate to learner's need so that the learners would easily understand the given lesson.

Lb 5, The Cone of Experience

It is in a form of a cone so that the readers would easily determine the series of experiences and why it is being put on that level. The base of the cone is the Direct Purposeful Experiences which is the first hand experience  that serves as the foundation of learning. The base is the one that controls all the experiences in the cone, it is the foundation therefore it holds the cone to make it strong and would not easily break down. From the word "Direct Purposeful" it means that, the information that is given is direct and essential, there are direct infos but are nonsense. The base shows the important things with purpose and very important things that's why it is consider as the foundation of learning.

Lb4 Systematic Approach To Teaching

From the word systematize, therefore it follows a certain pattern. It follows a certain methods in order to make things in proper. In teaching, you cannot easily give your lesson to the students if you don't follow a certain methods.It is very important for a teacher to follow something relevant to the learners, objectives and materials should be appropriate and suits to the learner's needs,interest and desire that would really ignite the learner's inner motivation.

LB3, The Roles of Educational Technology in Learning

Technology really gives a great impact to our society, yes! it is already invading human life. It is not bad to use technology,instead it makes us more progressive in the sense that it can make things easier. What is really the role of  Educational Technology in learning? In my point of view, it helps to enhance the capability of the students to learn more when it comes to education. Through Educational Technology, the learners would be able to learn,explore and apply new things in life which are essential.

Saturday, November 27, 2010


I would say that as of now, technology is a boon because I am being benifited by it. As a student, i am thankful to have technologies like computers with internet connection because it really helps me a lot especially in my studies, there were certain topics that is needed to be search and with the help of the computers and internet, i can easily get the meaning of it. Yes i can also research in the library but it will consume so much time, compare to internet i can really search the meaning right away.

Technology really helps me as a student, through this i can socialize with other people. It really gives a big impact in my life, it helps me to become aware of what is happening in our society. As i keep surfing in the internet, there are things that I am new about it that enables me to explore because it really caught my attention. I am really proud to say that i love technology in the sense that it helps me to become more knowlegeable and equipe enough in upgrade things.

Friday, November 26, 2010

LB 1, What have you learned about Educational Technology?

Technologies nowadays are very rampant, almost everyone has a new gadget. Even a person who belongs to the lower class also have a technology, why is this so? why is that technology is already governing the human's life? simply because this so called "technology" helps the people to make things easier and even make our country competitive enough. others may say that through technologies, lots of people are becoming lazy, in what sense do they try to imply?lazy in what way? Lazy in the sense that many are becoming dependent to these technologies. Students are becoming lazy in going to library to research about a certain topics.

What do i learned about Educational technology? from it's description Educational, it means it would really enhance the students. In just a short period of time, i already learned a lot, i learned how to edit a picture and more. Through this subject, i can enhance myself to become knowledgeable in manipulating a computer and it would makes me know some techniques on how to make things more easy.