Friday, November 26, 2010

LB 1, What have you learned about Educational Technology?

Technologies nowadays are very rampant, almost everyone has a new gadget. Even a person who belongs to the lower class also have a technology, why is this so? why is that technology is already governing the human's life? simply because this so called "technology" helps the people to make things easier and even make our country competitive enough. others may say that through technologies, lots of people are becoming lazy, in what sense do they try to imply?lazy in what way? Lazy in the sense that many are becoming dependent to these technologies. Students are becoming lazy in going to library to research about a certain topics.

What do i learned about Educational technology? from it's description Educational, it means it would really enhance the students. In just a short period of time, i already learned a lot, i learned how to edit a picture and more. Through this subject, i can enhance myself to become knowledgeable in manipulating a computer and it would makes me know some techniques on how to make things more easy.

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